Wednesday, September 24, 2008

1 Year @ Partnership - A retrospective

Wow, we have just passed our first year anniversary with Partnership Ministries – and what a year it has been! God has revealed Himself to us in many new and refreshing ways! In times of uncertainty, He was always there with His quiet voice to reassure us – and also by placing many people in our pathway to offer encouragement!

Over the last week, the leadership team of Partnership Ministries met to review this past year and also to make plans for the coming year with regards to

  • How to continue to solidify our relationships with the national and local church planters in the areas we serve
  • Our ministry vision and goals and how they align with the efforts of the church planters we serve.
  • Our approach to promoting our ministry – personal and collective presentations, web, DVD’s and brochures.
We rarely get all of us into one meeting for one day let alone three – we have a dynamic team and we are dedicated to continually improve ourselves while remaining focused on our desire to serve under the leadership of the national and church planters.

To recognize God’s greatness, here are a few of our ministry highlights…

Steve Reed, our director and I traveled to Honduras last November – we had wonderful meetings with national missionaries Humberto Del Arca and Erick Sanchez as well as many of the regional leaders that serve the people of Honduras. I was humbled by the many vibrant ministries present and the sacrifices that the national missionaries make on a daily basis to serve God!

In December Lee Ann and I led our first team since our appointment – a team from our home church worked alongside Rigoberto Reyes in El Pochote, a mountain village just outside of Masaya. A bonus blessing was experiencing this with our daughter Lauren who served as translator for the team!

After attending 5 weeks of immersion language school in Granada, Nicaragua, I met up with our home church’s second team – this time, while still in Nicaragua, we ventured back to Bluefields where we finished the church our teams started in 2007. The bond that began last year was reinforced and God’s love abounded!

In April, I represented Partnership Ministries at the Mission Mid-Atlantic conference – from the first day, I sensed God’s presence guiding me into new relationships with churches and individuals – ones that are developing now and allowing me to spread the “good word” throughout that region!

Just last month, Lee Ann and I led our first team that was not from our home church – this time, we returned to Honduras with a team from Calvary Baptist in Warwick, NY to work alongside of Humberto Del Arca. In La Ceiba, we helped the hard working team of nationals build a kitchen next to an existing church building – we also ran a VBS program for children of the area. God continues to show His hand in the ministries there!

What can you do to help us?
Your prayers are the foundation from which we function best – without folks like you praying and advocating for our ministry, this all would be an uphill battle!

We also ask that you consider financially supporting our ministry with an ongoing contribution (monthly, quarterly, etc.) – we are reliant on folks just like you to partner with us. We promise to be faithful stewards of your investment in our ministry and desire to welcome you as “part of our family”! If you would want to have us present the vision and focus of our ministry at your church or with your small group, we would love to hear from you!

To donate to our ministry, go to this website -

There are many options to sending your donations to the mission in support of our ministry! (details for all options are fully explained on the website above)

By Credit Card

By Personal Check sent to: Missions Door 2530 Washington Street Denver, CO 80205-3142

By EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)

We have come a long way in this first year of service, but we have a long way to go. We thank you for your interest and ask you to continue to pray for us as we offer ourselves in service to the Living Lord!

Rick & Lee Ann Myers