Sunday, January 04, 2009

Prayer for 2009

This was a prayer from a Sunday service bulletin from our former church in PA a few weeks before we left for upstate NY in 1996. I have kept this taped to my calendar as a reminder that God is always in control. In 1996, we were in transition as a family and at that point, we relied on God in a way that has changed our lives forever. SO, I share this prayer with you in hopes that it blesses you and yours in the coming year.

Loving Lord, as we step through the door of a new year, we believe 1996 (now 2009) will be filled with hope and promise. We do not know all that will happen in our lives over the next few months, so we pray that whatever comes our way – good or bad, success or failure, gain or loss – we may have the confidence and strength to accept blessing and hardship. May each of us grow spiritually and in Christian character, and may our church have a greater sense of your mission and ministry for us. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.