Monday, December 24, 2007

WANTED - For an Adventure of a Lifetime!

We are looking 10-15 young men and women, from 20-30 years old who are seeking to deepen their faith in new ways, and may at times, have questioned themselves as to whether there is more to Christianity than they have seen in the United States.

Upon your arrival, you will receive two weeks of intensive Spanish classes in the beautiful highlands of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Then we will take you to live and participate among three dynamic national ministries in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, under their leadership, for two weeks each. There, you will have the opportunity to help with construction, teach English classes to youth, and help to organize a youth retreat. We aren't looking for expert builders or youth ministers - just people willing to learn from others and give of themselves.

Your leaders and guides will be two bilingual Partnership Ministries’ staff members who know the national leadership that will be with you every step of the way. They will lead the interns in orientation, reflection, and handle all the logistics. You will stay and eat with local families from the churches so that you can learn their lives and immerse in their culture. You will use local transportation to get from one place to another, including between countries.

If this interests you, spots are filling fast – please contact us for details!

Kelly Simmons
Ministry Coordinator, Partnership Ministries
2530 Washington Street
Denver, CO 80205

Rick Myers
East Coast Representative
Partnership Ministries
The short term mission ministry of Missions Door
Skype: missionink

1 Corinthians 2:9

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